King Hall Students Meet with Justice Anthony Kennedy
King Hall students in the UCDC Law Program met with Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for an intimate question-and-answer session on October 7. Justice Kennedy spoke with a larger group of UCDC students, including undergraduates, before conducting the special session with the law students. He took part in a wide-ranging discussion on topics including same sex marriage, the federal government shutdown, and law school curriculum. The discussion was moderated by Wall Street Journal correspondent Jess Bravin.
This is not the first time UCDC students had the opportunity to meet with a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Last year, students were paid a visit by Justice Stephen G. Breyer, and earlier this year, students in the program had a similar meeting with Justice Antonin Scalia.
The UCDC Law Program is a uniquely collaborative semester-long externship program in Washington, D.C., combining a weekly seminar with a full-time field placement to offer law students an unparalleled opportunity to learn how federal statutes, regulations, and policies are made, changed, and understood in the nation's capital.