The faculty at King Hall is committed to partnering with affiliates across the UC Davis network to affect change in critical theory. Through faculty scholarship, collaboration with affiliates, and connections with students, the Aoki Center is committed to furthering critical race and nation studies.

Kevin R. Johnson,
Aoki Center for Critical Race and Nation Studies Co-Director, and Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Chicana/o Studies

Raquel Aldana,
Aoki Center for Critical Race and Nation Studies Co-Director and Martin Luther King Jr., Professor of Law

Karrigan Börk
Co-Director, California Environmental Law and Policy Center and Professor of Law

Andrea Cann Chandrasekher,
Professor of Law

Gabriel "Jack" Chin,
Edward L. Barrett Chair of Law, Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, and Director of Clinical Legal Education

Stacy-Ann Elvy
Professor of Law

Mary Louise Frampton,
Professor of Law Emerita

Angela Harris,
Professor of Law Emerita