The LL.M. Business Law Concentration Program will offer LL.M. students advanced exposure to business law courses and topics relevant to lawyers with business law practices. The concentration is awarded upon completion of at least 8 units of business law courses (including the foundation course), contract law (will not count towards the 8 units) and a substantial research paper on a business law topic.
Requirements for LL.M. Business Law Concentration
To qualify for the LL.M. Business Law Concentration certificate students must satisfactorily complete one foundation course listed below and satisfactorily complete a total of 8 units of business law classes (including the units of the foundation classes). Students will select their classes from the list below. Students must take Contracts but the units will not count towards the required 8 units.
Writing Requirement
Students must complete a writing requirement by completing a paper on a business law topic approved by Dean Greenwood and/or Professor Morri. The paper may be completed through the LL.M. Legal Research and Writing class or an equivalent independent writing project. The same paper may be used to satisfy the law school writing requirement and the concentration writing requirement.
Foundation Classes
Elective Courses for LL.M. Business Concentration
* Elective courses are offered on a rotating basis. Not all courses will be taught in any given year. Please check the Course Descriptions webpage for current course offerings.
- 243C Advanced Bankruptcy Practice: Corporate Reorganization (2)
- 220 Federal Income Taxation (4)
- 236A Securities Regulation I (2)
- 236 Securities Regulations (3)
- 262 Antitrust (3)
- 262C Antitrust and Intellectual Property (1)
- 243B Bankruptcy (3)
- 269 Basic Finance for Lawyers (2)
- 248C Business and Human Rights (2)
- 258G Business Fundamentals for Lawyers (3)
- 215D Business in Society (2 or 3)
- 215E Business Law and Climate Change (3)
- 294C Business of Professional Sports (2)
- 266 Commercial Law (3)
- 215F Comparative Corporate Governance (3)
- 290D Comparative Privacy Law (2 or 3)
- 258C Conscious Lawyering (1)
- 269B Consumer Protection and Financial Regulation (3)
- 270C Contract Drafting and Development (3)
- 262 Copyright (3)
- 245 Corporate and White Collar Crime (2)
- 423 Corporate Counsel Externship (2-6 units)
- 215B Corporate Integrity and Responsibility (2)
- 245A Corporate Responsibility: Case Studies in (Un) Ethical Leadership (2)
- 215H Corporate Risk Management and Compliance (2)
- 247B Corporate Tax (3)
- 274J Current Controversies in Intellectual Property Law (2)
- 266A Cyberlaw (2)
- 298C Empirical Legal Studies (3)
- 260A Employment Law (3)
- 269F Fintech Innovation and Financial Inclusion (2)
- 274 Intellectual Property (3)
- 207D Intellectual Property Research (1)
- 274K International and Comparative Intellectual Property (3)
- 211B International Business Negotiations (3)
- 270 International Business Transactions (2 or 3)
- 247A International Taxation (3)
- 290T International Trade Law: Public Law Issues (3)
- 284 Law and Economics (3)
- 228C Law and Statistics (3)
- 215A Law of Corporate Governance Seminar (2)
- 298A Leadership and the Law (1 or 2)
- 258A Legal Ethics and Organizational Practice (3)
- 228A Mergers and Acquisitions (3)
- 215G Modern Topics in Business Law: Business Law Seminar (2)
- 211C Negotiating Joint Ventures (2)
- 271 Nonprofit Organizations and Drafting: A-Z Coverage with Document Drafting (4)
- 271T Nonprofits Organizations: Key Legal Topics (2)
- 209G Privacy, Technology and the Law (2)
- 269E Public Finance (2)
- 262B Regulated Industries (2)
- 286G Representing Life Science Companies (2)
- 243A Secured Transactions (2)
- 236B Securities Regulation II (2)
- 228 Startups and Venture Capital (3 or 4)
- 220A State and Local Tax (3)
- 230B Sustainability Law (2)
- 220B Tax and Distributive Justice (3)
- 247 Taxation of Partnerships and LLCs (3)
- 247C Taxation of Business Entities (4)
- 270B Technology Transactions (2)
- 295A Trademark and Unfair Competition Law (2)
- 274B Trade Secrets (2)
- 221 Trusts, Wills, and Estates (2 or 3)
- 245C White Collar Investigations and Prosecutions (2)
LL.M Business Law Concentration Form
Upon satisfying the above requirements students should complete the LL.M. Business Law Concentration form and submit the form to Mary Anne Baird at