
  • My GPA is slightly below the 3.2 minimum. Can I still apply?
  • Yes, you may apply with a GPA below a 3.2, but preference is given to applicants with stronger academic performance.
  • Neither I nor my parents filed taxes last year. What financial documentation do I need to submit?
  • If neither the applicant nor their parent(s) filed a tax return in the past two years, the applicant can submit their most recent financial aid award letter. The letter must show the aid they are receiving, and it must have their name and a date on it.
  • I am finishing at a junior college this spring and beginning at a four-year university this fall. Am I eligible for the KHOP Summer Session?
  • As long as you have been admitted to and have enrolled at a four-year university, and you now have 24 or fewer months until the conferral of your bachelor’s degree, you meet this eligibility requirement. You must show that you have been admitted and have enrolled at your four-year school at the time that you begin KHOP. (This is also true for students beginning at a four-year school in the spring, provided that they have no more than two years remaining until they receive their bachelor’s degree.)
  • I received my bachelor’s degree more than 12 months ago. Will you make an exception and allow me to apply?
  • No. Unfortunately, we are firm with the requirement that KHOP participants must have 24 or fewer months left to go before they receive their bachelor’s degree OR they must have received their bachelor’s degree within the past 12 months.


  • How do I submit an application?
  • The application is hosted on a platform called Qualtrics. There are a lot of questions, so we provide a link to a PDF with all of the things you will want to think about before you fill out the application. While your browser may allow you to stop and restart the application later, it is best to do it all in one sitting. In addition to answering all the questions on the application, applicants must also provide supporting documentation (see below).
  • What supporting documents are required along with the online application, and how do I submit them?
  • In addition to filling out the online application, applicants must send as attachments to a single email (1) a personal statement, (2) a resume, (3) unofficial transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, and (4) financial documentation (see this page for important details). We also require a letter of recommendation from a college- or university-level professor, and that letter along with a signed waiver form must be email to us directly by the author of the letter of recommendation. We will accept up to two letters of recommendation.
  • My professor or employer gave me my letter of recommendation to submit myself. Is that okay?
  • No. Letters of recommendation and the signed waiver form must be submitted by their authors directly to us. Recommenders can send their letters by email (preferably) or US mail. Applicants are strongly encouraged to explain to their recommenders this process.
  • I was not admitted to the King Hall outreach program. What are some other ways I can learn about classical admissions, legal education, and being a lawyer?
  • There are other programs out there, of course (though none as good as KHOP). AccessLex maintains a great comprehensive directory of pre-law programs. if you are a UC Davis student there is pre-law advising available through the Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services in South Hall.

During KHOP

  • I can attend three out of the four Saturday sessions. Can I still join KHOP if I apply and I am admitted?
  • No. Applicants to KHOP who are admitted need to commit to attending all program sessions.
  • I do not live in the Northern California area. Can I still apply to KHOP?
  • Most KHOP participants live within driving distance of Davis, California. Occasionally, we get students who are 3-5 hours away by car. KHOP runs over four Saturdays, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending around 5:00 p.m., so we advise participants to consider that when they are thinking about driving significant distances to join us. We do not provide housing or travel funds to KHOP participants.

After KHOP

  • I completed KHOP five years ago. Can I still meet with an outreach advisor to discuss my law school application plans and to review my materials?
  • Yes! There is no expiration date on the services you receive as an alumnus of the King Hall Outreach Program.