The application for the 2025 KHOP Winter Session is now open. The deadline to submit an application as well as all supporting documents is Thursday, December 5, 2024.
The KHOP Winter Session is designed to equip high-potential undergraduate students from underrepresented communities with the skills necessary to excel in the law school admissions process, while also introducing students to current law students, lawyers, and faculty members at UC Davis School of Law. The no-cost program consists of a series of full-day Saturday presentations and workshops. During the program, participants prepare for the law school application process, gain insight into the law school experience, and receive exposure to a variety of legal fields.
KHOP Winter Session participants:
- Attend workshops on pre-law preparation and law school admissions.
- Attend presentations and panels featuring UC Davis law school professors, alumni attorneys, and law students.
- Meet with School of Law admissions staff to develop a law school admission action plan and receive feedback on their personal statement and resume.
- Receive access to an LSAT prep course.
The 2025 KHOP Winter Session will take place on January 11, January 18, February 1, and February 8, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements (please read closely)
Applicants to the KHOP Winter Session must satisfy the following criteria:
- Currently attend, or have recently transferred to, a four-year college with one or two years before graduation OR have graduated from a four-year institution within the past 12 months.
- Be considered a first-generation college student (no parent or legal guardian has a bachelor’s degree) OR come from an economically under-served community or background defined as having a household income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher as calculated on a 4.33 scale. Cumulative GPA includes grades received from your current college, prior and current community college(s) and any other college(s) you have attended.
- Intend to apply to law school, but are not currently in the process of applying for law school enrollment.
- Have not previously completed an outreach program at UC Davis School of Law. Prior applicants who meet the eligibility requirements are welcome to re-apply.
- Attend all KHOP Winter Session meetings.
Application Overview
In addition to completing the online application, applicants must also submit the following documents in PDF format. Applications will not be evaluated until all of these documents have been received. They should be sent to attached to a SINGLE email with the subject line "KHOP Winter Session Application Supporting Documents."
- Personal statement: Please discuss how your background, attributes, experiences, interests, or perspectives would enable you to make a distinctive contribution to the King Hall Outreach Program, law school, and the legal profession. Examples of matters to discuss may include any of the following: significant economic, familial, educational, cultural, physical or other hardships and challenges overcome, unusual life experiences, evidence of potential for leadership, demonstrated commitment to serving underrepresented communities, and reasons for your pursuit of a law degree. The document should be one to two double-spaced pages using twelve-point font and one-inch margins, and you must save it as a PDF file. Please name your personal statement file: Last Name-First Name-Personal-Statement.pdf
- Résumé : The résumé should be one page and list your relevant educational, extracurricular, and professional experience and accomplishments. Please name your résumé file: Last Name-First Name-Resume.pdf
- Transcripts: Please provide unofficial transcripts in PDF format from all postsecondary institutions you have attended or are attending (junior/community colleges, universities, etc). Your name must appear on all transcripts. If you are admitted to the program, official transcripts may be requested. Please name your transcript files: Last Name-First Name-School Name-Transcript.pdf
- 2023 Federal Income Tax Returns: To demonstrate eligibility for KHOP, we require financial information. Please provide the first two pages of your 2023 Federal Income Tax return in PDF format. If you were claimed as a dependent on another person's 2023 Federal Income Tax return (e.g., a parent or guardian), submit the first two pages of that income tax return as well. If you, or your parent/guardian, did not file taxes in 2023, submit the 2022 return. If neither your parent/guardian nor you filed taxes in the past two years, submit a copy of your financial aid award letter from the most recent academic year. The award letter must have your name on it. If neither your parent/guardian nor you have filed taxes in the last two years and you have not received financial aid in the past two years, submit a brief explanation of how you have paid for your college education. Note: Do not send copies of your W-2 forms. Please redact (black out) all social security and tax-ID numbers on tax documents. Please name your tax documents: Last Name-First Name-Tax Document.pdf
- Letter(s) of recommendation: we require one and will accept up to two letters of recommendation. If you are submitting only one letter of recommendation, it must come from a professor who taught you at the college or university level. The letter should describe in detail your academic and personal qualifications and accomplishments. Letters of recommendation should be emailed in PDF format to directly from their authors, and they must include completed waiver forms .
Applicants seeking a preview of application questions for which they may wish to prepare answers in advance are advised to refer to this document.