KHOP Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility at a Glance

Who Should Apply:

  • You currently attend, or have recently transferred to, a four-year college with one or two years before graduation OR have graduated from a four-year institution within the past 12 months.
  • You are a first-generation college student (no parent or legal guardian has a bachelor’s degree) OR come from an economically under-served community or background defined as having a household income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
  • You have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher as calculated on a 4.33 scale. Cumulative GPA includes grades received from your current college, prior and current community college(s) and any other college(s) you have attended.
  • You intend to apply to law school in the future. However, you cannot be currently in the process of applying for law school enrollment.
  • You cannot have previously completed an outreach program at UC Davis School of Law. Prior applicants who meet the eligibility requirements are welcome to reapply.
  • You commit to attend all KHOP meetings in person.