Congratulations to the Remarkable Class of 2022!

On May 15, the King Hall community gathered at the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts for the first in-person commencement in three years.


Serving as the event’s emcee, Dean Kevin R. Johnson commended the Class of 2022 for its remarkable resilience through a law school experience that included a full year of remote instruction due to the pandemic and rampant political and social upheaval in the United States. Through it all, Johnson said, the Class of 2022 persevered and remained committed to academic excellence, public service and social justice.

Chancellor Gary S. May, faculty speaker David Horton, student speaker Khrystan Policarpio ’22 and the event’s keynote speaker, Sacramento Superior Court Judge (and now Third District Court of Appeal Justice) Stacy Boulware Eurie ’95 echoed Johnson’s sentiments.

Stacy Boulware Eurie '95 speaking at the UC Davis Law Commencement of 2022.
Stacy Boulware Eurie ’95 speaking at Commencement.

“Your law school experience has been distinct and challenging in unforeseen ways,” Boulware Eurie told the graduates. “As we honor and reflect on how much you, and those close to you, have witnessed and endured these past three years, it is also a time to openly celebrate. Today, you become part of a new generation of lawyers who will bring unique appreciation for how the legal system can serve the public during times of need.”

Horton told the graduates that “for the past three years, I have been blown away by your intelligence, kindness and ability to handle adversity.”

“Those are the traits that brought you to law school on that very first day,” Horton continued. “Those are the traits that brought you to this auditorium today. And those are the traits that hold the seeds to your future success.”

A UC Davis Law student from the Class of 2022 gets hooded by a faculty member on Commencement Day.
Two students from the UC Davis Law Class of 2022 posing for a photo on the day of Commencement.

Thanks to everyone, including faculty marshals Lisa Ikemoto and Menesh Patel and Law School Medalists Ruth Hoover ’22 and Alex Wheeler ’22, for helping make the Class of 2022 commencement such a memorable and celebratory event.

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