Individual and Group Study


Environs is a biannual environmental law and policy journal which supports an open forum for the discussion of current environmental issues. Articles explore environmental issues, particularly those pertaining to the state of California. The editor in chief of Environs receives two unit of credit for each semester of service. Managing editors receive 1 unit of credit.

Grading Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Group Study

Groups of students (not fewer than four and not more than 10) with a common interest in studying a stated legal problem may plan and conduct their own research and seminar program, subject to the following six regulations: (1) the program extends over no more than two semesters; (2) the program plan and the list of group members are submitted to the dean’s office at least four weeks prior to the opening of the semester in which the program is to begin; (3) a three member faculty board is appointed for each group with the authority to approve or disapprove the program and the amount of credi

Journal of International Law and Policy

The UC Davis Journal of International Law and Policy publishes semi-annually and strives to contribute pertinent and interesting scholarly works to the field of international law. The following student positions comprise the enrollment of this journal:

Social Justice Law Review

The Social Justice Law Review is a biannual publication of the UC Davis School of Law that addresses the unique concerns of youth in the American legal system.  The following student positions comprise the enrollment of this journal:

Law Review Editor

Editors of the UC Davis Law Review are nominated after successful completion of 416 Law Review Member, and may receive four credits over two semesters for service as an editor. Credits are awarded on a deferred basis upon completion of both semesters. Editors must perform editorial duties requiring a substantial time commitment. Credit is awarded only after certification by the Editor in Chief and approval of the law review faculty advisor(s).

Law Review Member

Completion of a law review writing project under the editorial supervision of editors of the UC Davis Law Review, and under the active and regular supervision of a faculty member if satisfying the Advanced Writing Requirement. Members must perform substantial support of production of the UC Davis Law Review (including but not limited to Bluebooking and cite-checking upcoming articles). In the spring semester, credit is obtained only upon making substantial progress towards completing the writing project and satisfactory production work.

Research into Legal Problems

Students may receive credit for individual projects, subject to the following five regulations: (1) the project extends over no more than two semesters; (2) each project is supervised by a faculty member; (3) an outline of the project is approved by the supervising faculty member; (4) normally, no faculty member is permitted to supervise more than five students working on individual programs during any semester; and (5) each student submits an individual paper or approved alternative to the supervising faculty member.

Business Law Journal

The UC Davis Business Law Journal is run by dedicated law students who are committed to providing current and valuable legal and business analysis. The UC Davis Business Law Journal publishes two print issues each year and provides access to our author abstracts and interviews online. The following student positions comprise the enrollment of this journal: