Group Study

Groups of students (not fewer than four and not more than 10) with a common interest in studying a stated legal problem may plan and conduct their own research and seminar program, subject to the following six regulations: (1) the program extends over no more than two semesters; (2) the program plan and the list of group members are submitted to the dean’s office at least four weeks prior to the opening of the semester in which the program is to begin; (3) a three member faculty board is appointed for each group with the authority to approve or disapprove the program and the amount of credit sought; (4) any changes in the program or in the group’s membership is approved by the faculty board (normally, these changes are only approved prior to the semester in which the program begins); (5) the members of the group conduct a weekly seminar session at a time and place to be arranged by them; and (6) each member of the group submits an individual paper or an approved alternative based on the seminar subject to the faculty board.

Grading Mode: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

*Unless the entire group asks in advance for letter grades.

Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number


Unit 16