UC Davis Law Shows Strong Presence at Yosemite Environmental Law Conference

Professors Rick Frank and Karrigan Börk led a group of 25 King Hall law students who attended the California Lawyers Association’s/Environmental Law Section’s 32nd Environmental Law Conference Oct. 18-22 at Yosemite.

The students, along with law students from around California and the U.S., were celebrated and honored at a special, welcoming reception the first evening of the conference.  They attended three days of timely, informative plenary sessions and panel discussions on a wide array of environmental and natural resources topics.

Frank spoke on two panels, the first analyzing the past year’s major environmental law decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, and California Supreme Court, along with key currently pending cases before those tribunals.  

On the other panel, Frank moderated and discussed with the history and future of public lands in the United States with UC College of the Law, San Francisco Professor Emeritus John Leshy.

Frank also was awarded the Environmental Law Section’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the conference.

Richard M. Frank ’74 is a leader in the field of environmental law, Professor of Environmental Practice and the founding director of the California Environmental Law and Policy Center at UC Davis School of Law. 

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