King Hall Hosts Eighth Annual Intraschool Negotiations Competition
On February 28, the King Hall Negotiations Team (KHNT) hosted its Eighth Annual Intraschool Negotiations Competition. The competition, held at King Hall, hosted 34 volunteer judges from across the state (including superior court judges, lawyers, business professionals, and mediators) and 48 King Hall student-competitors.
This year's competition consisted of a series of problems regarding Intellectual Property and Privacy Law. Students competed, in teams of two, in two primary rounds of negotiations. In each round, students negotiated a different legal situation and three competition judges evaluated the teams. After the two opening rounds, the judges selected the top four teams. In the afternoon, the advancing teams competed in the final round, held in separate courtrooms. One winning team was chosen from each final round competition room.
Taking top honors in the competition were:
- First Place Team: Trevor Fehr '17 and Katie Rogers '17
- First Place Team: Joshua McGeorge '17 and Ryan Stager '17
- Finalist Team: Eric Clark '17 and Bill Foster '17
- Finalist Team: Matthew Bourhis '16 and Elaine Owen '17
The King Hall Negotiations Board extends its sincere gratitude to the judges who devoted their Saturday to providing substantial feedback to students, making this a very valuable educational experience.
The Negotiations Board also commends the members of the King Hall Negotiations Team for their exceptional organizational skills and enthusiasm. Under the leadership of President Graham Hoerauf '15, Judicial Liaison Chris Ronne ‘15, Research and Problem Chair Aaron Israel ‘16, and Internal Competitions Chair Samantha Mandell '16, the students planned and executed an exceptional event. Special recognition should also be given to the team for its diligent commitment to the administration of the competition.
The King Hall Negotiations Board also thanks the Dean's Office for its generous financial support, and Dean Kevin R. Johnson for greeting guests the morning of the event. Special thanks also go to Professor Donna Shestowsky (Faculty Advisor), Support Staff Linda Cooper and Jennifer Angeles, Event Manager Gia Hellwig, and Graphic Designer Sam Sellers, without whom this event would not have been such a great success.