King Hall Faculty at AALS Annual Meeting 2016

I am at the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting at the New York Hilton Midtown.
Here is a rundown of the panels in which King Hall faculty members are speakers or moderators.
"The ADA at 25: Implications for People with Mental Disabilities"
Speaker from a Call for Papers: Jasmine E. Harris
Topic: "I take up the question of what remains to be done in an area that the ADA has not (and perhaps could not) reach: state regulation of sexual expression of people with mental disabilities."
"Service: Challenge, Opportunity and Passion" and "Teaching and Outsider Status"
Plenary Session at the Workshop for Pretenured Faculty of Color
Speaker: Kevin R. Johnson
"Indian Tribes, Same-Sex Marriage, and LGBT Families"
Speaker: Rose Cuison Villazor
Topic: Marriage Equality in American Samoa
"Animal Rights: From Why to How"
Speaker: Angela P. Harris
Topic: "What can the animal rights movement learn from other social movements seeking racial equality, rights for women, LGBT individuals, indigenous peoples, and individuals with disabilities?"
"Transactional Lawyering and Contractual Innovation"
Moderator: Afra Afsharipour
I just posted an entry about these and other King Hall-related activities at AALS (including an alumni reception and our faculty members in leadership positions) over on the Dean's Blog.