Position Title
Professor of Law Emeritus
Born 1937, New York City, graduated Columbia College, 1956, Columbia Law School 1959. Admitted to the Bar: New York 1959; California 1968. Law clerk to the Hon. Frederick V.P. Bryan, U.S.D.J., S.D.N.Y. 1959-1961. Private practice New York City 1961-1963.
Assistant Professor of Law, Rutgers University, Camden, N.J. 1963-66. Acting Professor of Law, University of California, Davis 1966-67. Professor, University of California, Davis 1967-1994; Emeritus Professor of Law since 1994.
Administrative Positions at University of California, Davis: Acting Dean, fall 1991; Assoc. Dean, spring 1992; Acting Dean, fall 1992.
Visiting Professor: Duke 1970-71; University of North Carolina 1970-71; Hebrew University, Israel 1975-76; UCLA 1979-80; Emory 1987; University of San Francisco, 1995-2001; University of the Pacific (McGeorge School of Law) 2002-2003.
- A.B. Columbia University, 1956
- J.D. Columbia University, 1959
- School of Law, University of California at Davis: Distinguished Teaching Award, 1990
- School of Law, University of California at Davis: Acting Dean 1991, 1992.
- Senior author: Fundamentals of Modern Property Law (now in its 5th edition, with 6th edition in process).
- Memberships: American Law Institute. American College of Real Estate Lawyers.
- Miscellaneous: Chair, Property Section of the Association of American Law Schools, 1979; Reporter, Joint Committee on Anti-Deficiency Laws of the Real Property and the Business Law Sections of the California State Bar Association, 1987-92.
- Property (Including Property Theory)
- Real Estate And Real Estate Finance
Fundamentals of Modern Real Property Law (with Teacher's Manual), (Foundation Press, 1st ed. 1974, 2d ed. 1982, 3d ed. with Kwall, 1992, 4th ed. with Kwall & Kwall, 2000, 5th ed. with Kwall & Kwall, 2006).
The Pollution Crisis, (Oceana, 1972) (with M. Schwartz).
The Pollution Crisis, Volume Two, (Oceana, 1976) (with M. Schwartz).
Problems in Real Property (with Teacher's Manual), (Foundation Press, 1969).
Foreword and Selected Bibliography to Symposium on Jewish Law, 1 U.C. Davis J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 49 (1995).
Proposed Statute Reforming the California Real Property Foreclosure Laws, with Reporters Comments, Vol. 10, No. 2 Cal. Real Prop. J. 1 (Special Supplement 1992).
The Sequel to Bank of America v. Daily: Security Pacific National Bank v. Wozab, XII Real Prop. L. Rep. 204 (Oct. 1989) (quoted with approval in Security Pacific Nat'l Bank v. Wozab, 51 Cal. 3d 991 (1990)).
The U.C.C. Mixed Collateral Statute--Has Paradise Really Been Lost, 36 UCLA L. Rev. 1 (1988) (with Hirsch, Arnold & Sigman).
Usury Law in California: A Guide Through the Maze, 20 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 397 (1987) (with Brownlie).
The Hidden Effects of Ideology on the Real Property Decisions of the California Supreme Court, Vol. 2, No. 2 Cal. Real Prop. J. 11 (Official Publication of the Real Property Law Section, State Bar of California) (1984).
The Revolution in Landlord-Tenant Law: Causes and Consequences, 69 Cornell L. Rev. 517 (1984). Reprinted in A Property Anthology (Andersen Pub. Co., 1993); Chused, Cases, Materials and Problems in Property (Matthew Bender, 1988).
A Comment on Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corp., VI Real Prop. L. Rep. 136 (1983).
Defective Products or Realty Causing Economic Loss: Toward a Unified Theory of Recovery, 12 SW. U. L. Rev. 4 (1981) (with J. Grossman) (originally delivered as part of Distinguished Lectureship Series of Southwestern University).
A Comment on Varjabedian v. Madera, 1 Real Prop. L. Rep. 33 (1978).
Nuisance Law: Rethinking Fundamental Assumptions, 63 Va. L. Rev. 1299 (1977). Reprinted in Campbell, The International Library of Essays in Law & Legal Theory (Aldershot, England 1990).
Population Control Through Financial Incentives, 23 Hastings L.J. 1353 (1972).
Dogmas for Law Teachers: Something for (or Against) Everyone, 20 J. Legal Educ. 340 (1968).
Sections 302 and 303 Redemptions and Disasters, 2 Miami U. Ann. Inst. on Est. Plan. 16-1 (1968).
A Black-Letter Rule Concerning Mistakes in Bargain Transactions, 45 Tex. L. Rev. 1273 (1967).
Charitable Trusts and Charitable Deductions, 41 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 912 (1966). Reprinted in Sander & Westfall, Readings in Federal Taxation (Foundation Press, 1970).
The Dangerous New Jersey Rule Against Perpetuities, 8 N.J. St. B. J. 1290 (1965).
Blind Exercises of Powers of Appointment, 51 Cornelle L.Q. 1 (1965).
The Law Favors the Vesting of Estates. Why?, 65 Colum. L. Rev. 467 (1965).
California Boundary Law and Adjoining Landowner Disputes, (Continuing Legal Education Booklet) (1987).
Landlord Liability for Personal Injuries Under the Law of the United States, A Report Prepared for the Institute of Comparative Law of the University of Florence, with the Support of the Italian National Research Council (1986).
Current Trends in the Law of Landlord-Tenant, Chapter 17A in 2 Powell on Real Property, (Matthew Bender, 1985).
Book Review: National Lawyers Guild, 1977 Middle East Delegation, Treatment of Palestinians in Israeli-Occupied West Bank and Gaza, VI Brook. J. Int'l L. 321 (1980) (with B. Feinstein).
Book Review: Housing in America--Problems and Perspectives, 3 Real Est. L.J. 426 (1975).
Book Review: Urban Planning and Land Development Control Law, 24 Stan. L. Rev. 426 (1972).
Housing Code Enforcement in the City of Sacramento: Proposals for Change, (with E.G. Scott, 1969)