Position Title
California's diverse communities magnify the need for culturally sensitive attorneys. As Co-director of the UC Davis School of Law Immigration Law Clinic and as an attorney with the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Amagda Pérez has extensive experience working with immigrants of varied nationalities and other disenfranchised communities. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise in immigration and poverty law to the Immigration Law Clinic where she supervises second-and third-year law students in the preparation of deportation defense cases. "The work that the Immigration Law Clinic does in training law students to provide competent representation for indigent immigrant clients and providing students the opportunity to develop essential lawyering skills such as client interviewing, advocacy, and legal writing are an extremely valuable part of a student's legal education," Amagda Pérez says. The practical legal skills and training that the students receive in the Clinic also help them become more marketable. "We are constantly receiving calls from the various legal services organizations asking us to recommend our graduates for their programs." Employers are very interested in hiring law graduates with experience in client interviewing, legal research, advocacy and case management.
- B.A. Spanish & Chicano Studies, cum laude, University of California, Davis, 1988
- J.D. University of California, Davis, 1991
- Director of UC Davis Immigration Law Clinic, 2008-2013
- Executive Director of California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
- Director of California Rural Citizenship Campaign
- Board Chair, Central Valley Partnership for Citizenship
- Faculty Advisor of La Raza Law Student Association
- Trainer, Benchmark Institute
- Immigration Law And Policy
- UC Davis AB540 Task Force on Unauthorized Immigrant Students
- Education Policy Committee
- Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) committee
- American Immigration Lawyers Association
- La Raza Lawyers Association of Sacramento
- Legal Aid Association of California Board Member, 1998-2005
- Legal Aid Association of California Board Secretary, 1999-2000
- Legal Aid Association of California Board Vice President, 2000-2001
- Legal Aid Association of California Board Chair, 2001-2003
- Legal Aid Association of California Immediate Past Chair, 2003-2004
- National Legal Aid & Defenders Association
- Sacramento County Bar Association
Clinical Legal Education and the U.C. Davis Immigration Law Clinic: Putting Theory Into Practice and Practice Into Theory, 51 SMU Law Review 1423 (1998) (symposium contribution) (co-authored with Kevin Johnson)
Good Moral Character and Naturalization, (presented at American Immigration Lawyers Association national conference in San Francisco, CA and published in AILA Conference Manual, November 2004)
Training Guide for Law Students on Red Flags of Naturalization, (1996, updated 2001, 2009, 2011)
The Constitutional Rights of Non-Citizens, (1996, updated 2004, 2006, 2010)