S.F. Chronicle Quotes Dean Johnson, Maggy Krell '03 on Trump and Christian Nationalism

Dean Kevin R. Johnson and Maggy Krell ’03 spoke to the San Francisco Chronicle’s Raheem Hosseini for a May 19 story about how former President and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to be encouraging Christian nationalism,  which was once considered a fringe element of Christianity.

Kevin R. Johnson is the law school’s dean, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and professor of Chicana/o studies at UC Davis. He is an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of immigration law and policy, refugee law, and civil rights.

Krell, a California assistant attorney general and former Planned Parenthood of California chief legal counsel, is a candidate for the California State Assembly. She emerged in the March primary as front-runner in the Sacramento-based 6th District race.

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