Senior Assistant Dean Scivoletto Elected President of NALSAP

Emily Scivoletto, Senior Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, was selected as president of the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals (NALSAP) last week during the organization’s fifth annual conference, held virtually.

“I’m excited to serve this organization and my NALSAP colleagues,” Scivoletto said. “I will focus on implementing the diversity, equity and inclusion recommendations approved by last year’s board, and continue to strengthen support for communication and collaboration amongst law school professionals.”

NALSAP serves as the professional home for administrators and faculty who support law students during their time in law school. NALSAP provides leadership and professional development, student affairs resources and supportive knowledge communities.

Scivoletto was a founding member of the organization in 2016 and has served on the board of directors in other roles since NALSAP’s inception. NALSAP has more than 110 law schools as institutional members and over 700 individual members.  NALSAP’s sixth annual conference will be held in person in Austin, Texas, in June 2022.


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