King Hall Faculty Featured in National, Local Coverage of Prop. 8 Decision

National and local media turned to King Hall faculty for information and analysis regarding last week's California Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8.  The initiative, passed by California voters in November, amends the state constitution to ban the marriage of same-sex couples.  On May 26, the Court ruled to uphold the ban, but to allow existing same-sex marriages to remain intact, prompting numerous media outlets to seek comments from Law School faculty.

Associate Dean Vikram Amar commented on the ruling for several media outlets including the Los Angeles Times, the Baltimore Sun, KCBS radio, KOVR Channel 13 (CBS), and the Associated Press, which syndicated the story to several newspapers including the Contra Costa Times and San Francisco Examiner.  He also commented for the San Jose Mercury-News on the challenge to Prop. 8 filed in federal court the day after the California Court ruling, and, with Professor Alan Brownstein, was part of an on-line panel discussion of Prop. 8 hosted by the Sacramento Bee.

Dean Amar and Professor Brownstein also co-authored "Finding common ground in same-sex marriage debate," published in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 28.  The same day, Professor Brownstein also published the commentary "We're resilient, we're stronger" in the Davis Enterprise.

Professor John Oakley was interviewed on KXTV Channel 10 (ABC) on May 27, discussing various aspects of Prop. 8 and ranging over several other legal topics including President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter.  These interview segments were part of a 30-minute online discussion with Channel 10 viewers.  Professor Oakley also commented on the federal court challenge to Prop. 8 for a story in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Professor Courtney Joslin commented on the California Court ruling for articles in the San Jose Mercury-News and Sacramento News & Review, and a news segment on Bay Area television station KRON Channel 4. 

Associate Dean Amar in the Los Angeles Times

Associate Dean Amar in the Baltimore Sun

Associate Dean Amar in the Contra Costa Times

Associate Dean Amar in the San Jose Mercury-News

Associate Dean Amar and Professor Brownstein in Sacramento Bee On-line Discussion

Associate Dean Amar and Professor Brownstein San Francisco Chronicle Op-Ed

Professor Oakley on KXTV Channel 10 (ABC)

Professor Oakley in the San Francisco Chronicle

Professor Joslin in the San Jose Mercury-News