Grace Wiley '24 Recognized as Outstanding Externship Student

Four women stand together on a sidewalk.
Externships Director Dena Bauman, Grace Wiley '24, Justice Shama Mesiwala '98 and Kristin B. Burford

Earlier this year, Grace Wiley ’24 received UC Davis Law’s Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) award for outstanding externship student. Externship Director Dena Bauman nominated Wiley for her accomplishments in her two externship placements. 

In fall 2022, Wiley interned with Justice Shama Mesiwala ’98, then a Sacramento Superior Court judge and now a California Court of Appeal, Third District associate justice.

“Grace would anticipate needs and help as a team member of my chambers,” Mesiwala said. “When she left, both my bailiff and court clerk said she was the most helpful and joyful extern they had encountered. With her intellect, curiosity, demeanor, and helpful personality, Grace has earned this recognition.”

In spring 2023, Grace interned with the California Law Revision Commission. Her supervisor, Senior Staff Counsel Kristin B. Burford, commented: “Grace has consistently demonstrated her dedication, curiosity, capability, and adaptability. She has been very thoughtful about the legal developments she researched, raising important questions, and seeking to understand the broader context for her work. Grace’s work (both her written memo and her presentation) received a number of compliments from commissioners.”

Finally, in a journal assignment under Bauman's direction, Wiley reflected on her growth through her experiences.

“My placement has allowed me to see [how a law degree can] further the policy goals of justice, equity, and fairness,” Wiley observed. “Overall, this experience has been incredibly illuminating, worthwhile, and important to my growth and development as a student, thinker, and person. It has given me essential insight into future careers and what type of lawyer I can be.”

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