Dean Johnson Talks to Bee About Some Latinos' Frustration with the Immigration Picture

Sacramento Bee reporter Matthew Miranda interviewed Dean Kevin R. Johnson for an April 17 story based on recent polls showing an increasing number of Latinos are frustrated with the United States’ immigration system, and in some cases, with arriving migrantts as well.

Such sentiments are not new, Johnson and others point out in the story. Nearly a quarter of Latino voters supported California’s infamously anti-immigrant Proposition 187 in 1994, for example.

“One of the things that immigration teaches is that Latinos are not a monolithic community,” Johnson said. 

Kevin R. Johnson is the law school’s dean, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and professor of Chicana/o studies at UC Davis. He is an internationally recognized scholar in the fields of immigration law and policy, refugee law, and civil rights.

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