Position Title
Professor of Law
Menesh Patel joined the UC Davis faculty in 2018. His primary research interests are in the areas of antitrust, securities, and corporate law.
Before joining UC Davis, Professor Patel was a research scholar at the Program in the Law and Capital Markets, a joint program of Columbia Law School and Columbia Business School. Prior to Columbia, he practiced law at Sidley Austin, in the firm's Chicago and San Francisco offices. In 2012-2013, Professor Patel was a law and economics fellow at Stanford Law School.
Professor Patel received his J.D. from Stanford Law School, where he served as articles editor of the Stanford Law Review. In addition to his law degree, Professor Patel holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and undergraduate degrees in economics and mathematics from the University of Iowa.
Professor Patel will be teaching Business Associations in Fall 2023. In Spring 2024, he will be teaching Securities Regulation and the seminar course, Modern Topics in Business Law.
- J.D. Stanford Law School, 2005
- Ph.D. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002
- B.S. Economics, University of Iowa, 1996
- B.A. Mathematics, University of Iowa, 1996
- Columbia Law School & Columbia Business School, Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, Program in the Law & Economics of Capital Markets, 2016-2018
- Stanford Law School, Fellow, Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Antitrust, 2012-2013
- Sidley Austin LLP, Associate, 2013-2016; 2008-2012
- Heller Ehrman LLP, Associate 2005-2008
- Antitrust
- Securities Regulation
- Corporate Law
- Capital Markets
Secondary Crypto Asset Fraud and the Propriety of Securities Class Actions, 96 Southern California Law Review 1527 (2024).
Fraud on the Crypto Market, 36 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 171 (2022).
Common Ownership: Do Managers Really Compete Less?, 39 Yale Journal on Regulation 136 (2022) (with Merritt Fox).
Merger Breakups, 2020 Wisconsin Law Review 975 (2020).
Does Insider Trading Law Change Behavior? An Empirical Analysis, 53 U.C. Davis Law Review 447 (2019).
Common Ownership, Institutional Investors, and Antitrust, 82 Antitrust Law Journal 279 (2018).
Essays, Book Chapters, and Shorter Work
Common Ownership and the Merger Guidelines (with Merritt Fox), in The 2023 U.S. Merger Guidelines: A Review (Sean Sullivan ed., forthcoming 2024).
Common Ownership and Corporate Governance (with Merritt Fox), in The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance (Jeffrey Gordon and Wolf-Georg Ringe eds., forthcoming 2024).
A Proposal to Invigorate Ex-Post Merger Policy, Competition Policy International Columns (2021).
Common Ownership and Antitrust: Eight Critical Points to Guide Antitrust Policy, Antitrust Chronicle (2019).
Securities Market Issues for the 21st Century: An Overview (with Merritt Fox, Larry Glosten & Ed Greene), in Securities Market Issues for the 21st Century 1 (Merritt Fox, et al. eds., 2018).