Business Law Journal Symposium on Corporate Data Breaches

At UC Davis School of Law, students and faculty work together to organize some amazing events.
Last Friday, I had the pleasurable opportunity to provide a welcome to this year's UC Davis's Business Law Journal symposium on "Corporate Data Breaches: What Companies Can Learn from Recent High Profile Attacks." The symposium examined the new challenges in the increasing numbers of major corporate data breaches. The Journal brought together a group of the nation's leading professors and lawyers, with diverse expertise, all of whom are well-versed on corporate data breaches.
We are proud of our business law faculty curriculum at UC Davis School of Law and have had a tradition of excellence in the field. Professors Anupam Chander and John Hunt participated in the event. I would be remiss if I did not give a special thanks to Professor John Hunt and law students Lauren Woods, Michel Wigney, and James Swearingen for their hard work in planning this symposium.
The keynote speaker was Justin Cain, the California Cybersecurity Coordinator for the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services. Justin is part of the California Cybersecurity Task Force, a statewide partnership comprised of key stakeholders, subject matter experts, and cybersecurity professionals from the public sector, private industry, academia, and law enforcement who are all working to advance and strengthen California's cybersecurity.