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Sign Up for the Blood Drive
Please mark your calendars for our 6th Annual MLK Day of Service and Celebration at the School of Law on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025! The event, including lunch during the noontime celebration, is free and open to the public.
This year we will be hosting a blood drive on-site at King Hall on MLK Day. Additionally, we are organizing a donation drive for Umoja International Academy in East Sacramento. On MLK Day, community members will also complete service projects at the school.
For the last five years, King Hall’s Black Law Students Association (BLSA), along with the Office for Student Affairs and support from the Law Student Association (LSA), has put on a day of service and hosted a speaker for lunch.

This year’s noontime luncheon program includes remarks by Dean Jessica Berg and BLSA President Jessica Hale ’26. Associate Justice of the Third District Court of Appeal Stacy Boulware Eurie ’95 will deliver the keynote address. Justice Boulware Eurie was appointed to the appellate court by Governor Newsom in 2022. Before that, she served as a trial judge on the Sacramento Superior Court for 15 years, presiding over civil, criminal and appellate matters. She was the Juvenile Court Presiding Judge from 2010-2018. Justice Boulware Eurie delivered the keynote address at UC Davis School of Law’s Class of 2022 commencement. Click here for the livestream link of Justice Boulware Eurie's MLK Day remarks.
Each volunteer will receive a free annual t-shirt that BLSA creates.
See some of our previous days of service here and here.
If you would like to donate blood on MLK Day, sign up at this link. The Vitalant truck will be parked outside of the School of Law.
Blood Drive Details:
- Drive Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
- Drive Hours: 10 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
- Location: Bloodmobile – King Hall, 400 Mrak Hall Drive, Davis Ca 95616
- Goal: 34 appointments, 24 donors and 26 lifesaving units of blood
- Appointment Link: Click here to schedule your lifesaving appointment
Donation Supply List (note - the school is a middle school and high school):
- Backpacks or Messenger Bags
- Lunchbags
- #2 Pencils
- Colored Pencils
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Pens: Red, Blue, Black
- Highlighters
- Markers
- 12-inch Rulers
- TI Calculators
- Dictionaries
- Thesauruses
- Pocket Folders
- Single-Subject Spiral Notebooks
- Sticky Notes
- Sticky Flags
- College Ruled Loose Leaf 3 Hole Paper
- Tabbed Dividers
- Wire Bound Weekly Planners
- 3-Ring Binders
Things to Know:
- Donors are encouraged to review Blood Donor Qualifications. Donor Eligibility
- Donors should arrive well-nourished and hydrated.
- Donors need photo identification with first and last name.
- The donation process takes approximately one hour (add an additional 20 minutes for a double red cell donation).
- Power Red Cell Donation – Power up your donation with an automated power red cell donation.
- Fast Track – Donors can complete the health questionnaire online prior to arriving to the drive. The questionnaire must be completed the same day as the donation and barcode needs to be presented at the drive. This can also be completed at the drive. Fast Track Link
Live webinar link for keynote address by Associate Justice of the Third District Court of Appeal Stacy Boulware Eurie ’95 is here. No registration is necessary. The remarks will be from 12-12:30 p.m. on MLK Day at King Hall.
Please contact Alexis Elston with any questions.