2023 MLK Day of Service and Celebration

MLK Day of Service and Celebration
Jan. 16, 2023 | 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
On Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, UC Davis School of Law will host the 4th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Celebration. King Hall's Black Law Student Association along with the 2023 MLK Day Working Group have planned a dynamic event for 2023. There will be great opportunities to give back to the community and celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with our keynote speaker. Please see below for information on how you can participate and RSVP.
Donation Drive for Malcolm X Academy
King Hall, 400 Mrak Hall Drive | 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Malcolm X Academy in Sacramento opened in October 2022 and is a full-time K-8 community homeschool. In addition to their site being a community homeschool, they regularly provide hot meals, groceries and various other services for the Black community and others in Sacramento. As they are a new program, they are in need of many donations.
Their wishlist is as follows: art supplies, white board markers, folders, Chrome books, educational games and toys, kids farming equipment, outdoor toys, pens and pencils, kids cooking equipment, play kitchen set, binder paper, copy paper, 11x17 printing paper, office supplies and cleaning supplies.
They will also accept general school supplies, gift cards to bookstores, and books for the children.
We will have students outside of King Hall collecting donations on MLK Day from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Day of Service Working Group has also created an Amazon Wishlist for the Malcolm X Academy. Anything ordered from the wishlist will be sent directly to the school's address.
For those who would like to provide a monetary donation to the Malcolm X Academy, you can do so here.
Donate Blood
King Hall, 400 Mrak Hall Drive | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. | RSVP
We will be hosting a blood drive at King Hall with limited spots available, sign up here.
UC Davis Law MLK Day Working Group and BLSA acknowledge the unfairness and discrimination associated with federal regulations relating to the giving of blood. We stand in partnership with our LGBTQIA colleagues and urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to revisit its policies. Please see the Chancellor’s Statement on donating blood for further details.
King Hall, 400 Mrak Hall Drive, room 1001 | 12 p.m.

Celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the King Hall connection with a program and lunch. Speakers includes BLSA Co-Presidents Damian Cortez and Hassan Smith, UC Davis Law Dean Kevin Johnson and our keynote speaker, Judge Trina Thompson. This will also be available to watch via livestream for those who cannot join in person.
Judge Trina L. Thompson is currently serving as a District Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco division. Before her nomination to the federal bench in 2022, Judge Thompson served as a superior court judge in the Alameda County Rene C. Davidson Court for nearly twenty years. Thompson presided over Felony Jury Trials, Preliminary Hearings, Sentencing, and Motions. Her most recent high profile trial was the Ghost Ship Manslaughter case.
Naturalization Workshop
Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023 | Sacramento Mexican Consulate
Volunteers will assist permanent residents in completing the application for naturalization.
Note: this workshop will be taking place in Sacramento on Saturday, January 21st at the Mexican Consulate and not at King Hall on MLK Day.
The workshop is being held in partnership with the UC Davis School of Law Immigration Law Clinic as well as the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center. Read about November's workshop here.
If you have any questions about the naturalization workshop please reach out to Professor Amagda Perez.