Immigration Law Clinic

The Immigration Law Clinic (ILC) provides legal representation to indigent non-citizens in removal proceedings before U.S. Immigration Courts, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and federal courts,including the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The ILC provides this necessary service to Northern California's immigrant communities, offering education and legal services to low-income immigrants facing deportation while enabling students to gain practical, real-world experience. ILC students take on all major aspects of litigation, including interviewing clients and witnesses, preparing legal briefs, drafting pleadings and motions, and arguing complex legal issues. ILC students regularly conduct naturalization and other legal workshops in the community, engage in broader advocacy projects related to the detention & deportation of immigrants, and provide know your rights presentations in local ICE detention centers.  Responding to the increased collaboration between criminal and immigration enforcement agencies, the ILC has also been at the forefront of indigent detention and deportation defense.

Each student is required to enroll for two semesters, receiving four units each semester for total of eight units. 

Recommended: Law 292 Immigration Law and Procedure and Law 219 Evidence are recommended. 
Graduation Requirements: Counts towards Professional Skills Requirement.

Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number


Certificate Requirement


Unit 16