International, Comparative, and Foreign Law

Comparative Judicial Process

Seminar – 2 units. A comparative law class focused on judicial institutions and judicial decision-making around the world. The course will study the following questions: How are cases decided in different legal systems? What can we learn from the way other countries or legal institutions (such as international courts) decide cases? How can the knowledge of other legal systems and methods of adjudication inform the understanding of the US legal system?

Comparative Corporate Governance

Seminar – 3 units. The course will cover the fundamentals of the corporate governance theory, discussing the most important topics on a worldwide perspective focusing on the 2023 version of the “G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance”. We will discuss the challenges in the implementation of such principles depending on the characteristics of the region and other relevant factors. In this sense, students will assess some cases of countries where these difficulties are higher than others, as well as examples of good practices that have been implemented with success.

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

Discussion – 1 unit. Artificial intelligence ("A.I. ") plays an increasingly prominent role in our lives and multiplies our ability to innovate and produce. But if society fails to create meaningful legal rules for A.I., innovation can come at a high cost for individuals' rights and liberties. This course looks at A.I.'s seemingly infinite possibilities and discusses where should the legal boundaries begin and end, including: What risks should be evaluated and mitigated when building A.I. systems? Who should "own" the knowledge derived from personal information, and how should it be used?

Art and Cultural Heritage Law

Lecture - This course examines the law surrounding art and cultural heritage. The focus will be on copyright, cultural property, and cultural heritage laws. Students will have the opportunity to consider U.S.

National Security Law

Lecture - 2 hours. This course explores the what and how of national security. Specifically, what does national security mean and how does it play out institutionally, jurisprudentially, and policy-wise in the United States? Combining historical, legal, and normative perspectives, this seminar explores how the meaning of national security has shifted and expanded over time.

Comparative Privacy Law

Discussion – 3 hours. This course surveys approaches to privacy regulation around the globe, including a comparison of regulatory frameworks and different policy solutions. The course also introduces the major international privacy regulatory and enforcement institutions. Core lecturing will focus on the European General Data Protection Regulation and how it compares with US law.

Comparative Criminal Justice

Seminar - 2 or 3 hours. This seminar explores the ways political units in different countries attempt to maintain social order and advance criminal justice. Students examine the people, policies, and institutions responsible for adjudicating alleged criminal law violations around the globe. They also learn about how rules of professional responsibility and legal ethics guide the behavior of the institutional actors who participate in these criminal processes.

Reforming the Police and Criminal Justice

Seminar - 2 hours. Focus on major current criminal justice issues: policing ethnic neighborhoods; use of deadly force; methods of pre-trial release; modernizing the work of prosecutors and defense counsel.

Graduation Requirements: May satisfy the Advanced Writing Requirement.
Final Assessment: Paper, Class participation.

Immigration Law Clinic

The Immigration Law Clinic (ILC) provides legal representation to indigent non-citizens in removal proceedings before U.S. Immigration Courts, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and federal courts,including the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The ILC provides this necessary service to Northern California's immigrant communities, offering education and legal services to low-income immigrants facing deportation while enabling students to gain practical, real-world experience.