Aoki Water Justice Clinic

Clinic - 4 units. The Aoki Water Justice Clinic partners with residents, community organizations, and drinking water providers to address the need for clean, affordable drinking water. Through weekly lecture, case rounds, and practical experience, students will gain an understanding of state and federal water governance and regulation, local government mechanisms for delivering drinking water, and the legal and financial barriers to implementing safe drinking water projects. Under the supervision of the clinic director and staff attorney, students will work together in teams to advise clients on potential governance structures, funding options, and rate policies; design and present community education trainings; draft consolidation agreements and property agreements between water systems and local governments; research and draft comment letters to administrative agencies and State and local governments on issues affecting drinking water; develop and implement media strategies on issues affecting drinking water; and provide technical assistance to communities that seek state funding for water system and capital improvement projects. Students participating in the Clinic are required to attend a full day orientation in mid-August, as well as all clinic seminars, case rounds, and supervision meetings.

Application required for enrollment. Each student is required to enroll for two semesters, receiving four units each semester for a total of eight units. 

Final Assessment: Other
Grading Mode: Letter Grading
Graduation Requirements: Counts towards Professional Skills Requirement.
Graduation Requirements: Satisfies the Bias, Antiracism and Cultural-Competency Requirement.
Class limit: 8 students

Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number



Unit 16