Charity Kenyon '77
"King Hall's commitment to training socially responsible lawyers is a public service of incalculable value. It's an honor to be associated with the school and to support its mission."

Carol Livingston '80
"I have gained many wonderful contacts for my personal and professional life through King Hall. The education was top notch and was a great bargain. I think I, and my classmates, owe support to the school and to the current students who pay much more than we did for the same education."

Sarra Ziari '06
"I'm in my third year now, and everything people said about law school-the first year they scare you to death, the second year they work you to death and the third year they bore you to death-is all true. Law school is hard!"

Melanie L. Shender '03
"I wouldn't be where I am today without the law school. I could have gotten a J.D. anywhere, but King Hall prepared me to be the best attorney I can be."

Sammar Miqbel '07
"I am the fourth of five children, and I?m the only one in my immediate family to attend college. I'm also the first in my extended family, which includes 47 first cousins!"

Jennifer Rodriguez '04
"I believed that receiving a legal education would enable me to elevate the voices of children in foster care and to work on ensuring foster youth had access to justice."

Scott P. Peartree '05
"If we, as part of the school?s community, expect others in California to support King Hall, then we, as a group, must be the first to contribute to its success."

Sally Lu Lake '77
"There are many people well suited to lawyering who do not have this support, I wanted to make a contribution to their education, and in doing so, honor my parents."

Bill Plourde '69
"I truly believe that persons who benefit from their education should see that others are afforded the same opportunity."

Keltie E. Jones '94
"By approaching people with respect and genuine interest, I have come to know many amazing people, and I am a very rich person, indeed"