San Diego Diversity Fellowship Program

Application Period
December 1, 2023 - February 2, 2024
Deadline: February 2, 2024

The San Diego County Bar Association & the Association of Corporate Counsel - San Diego Chapter created the San Diego Diversity Fellowship Program  in 2009 as a response to the low number of diverse attorneys practicing law in San Diego County law firms, corporate legal departments, and public agencies. The Program is modeled after similar initiatives in Sacramento, Puget Sound/Seattle, Cleveland, St. Louis, Columbus, Atlanta, and the Bay Area. The main objectives of the Program are:

  1. To increase the number of diverse attorneys practicing in San Diego County law firms, corporate legal departments, and public agencies by providing first year law students with an opportunity to develop their skills and make professional contacts through fellowship opportunities at law firms and corporate legal departments;
  2. To assist San Diego County law firms, corporate legal departments, and public agencies in their efforts to recruit talented diverse attorneys by introducing them to qualified, diverse law students who may not have been identified through traditional summer recruitment programs. Employment of these students provides an opportunity for a diversity of ideas which enhance the quality of legal services that participating employers may provide to their clients.

The Program takes place once a year during the summer (typically May - August) and lasts for 8-10 weeks. The fellowship positions are full-time positions; 40 hours/week. Employers agree to pay the Fellows minimum of $20/hour. The employer's office may be located anywhere in the San Diego County.

In order to apply to the Program, you must submit the following documents: 1. Application; 2. Resume; 3. Writing Sample based on a fact pattern provided by SDCBA; 4. Personal Statement; 5. Confirmation of Good Academic Standing by the Career Services Department of the law school attended (please see the minimum standard requirement under “Grades and Application Review Process” of this document); and 6. Two letters of recommendation. Note: The name of your law school must be redacted in all documents submitted with your application other than where we specifically ask you on the online application.

For full details and how to apply please visit:

Class Level