Professor Ziegler Weighs in for L.A. Times, Guardian on Reproductive Rights Post-Nov. 7 Election

Professor Mary Ziegler weighed in for prominent media outlets last week on key reproductive rights cases in the courts and victories attained by abortion-rights supporters in the Nov. 7 state elections.

Ziegler wrote a Nov. 8 piece for Slate headlined “These Reproductive Rights Cases Could Do More Damage to the Judiciary than Dobbs,” and a piece published the same day in the Boston Globe headlined “Republicans Might Be Done Asking Voters to Weigh in on Abortion.”

Also on Nov. 8, Ziegler spoke to Sacramento-based Los Angeles Times columnist Anita Chabria about what Ohio voters’ approval of a measure guaranteeing the right to abortion might mean for California. Ziegler talked to The Guardian for its piece on how election night victories raised abortion-rights supporters hopes for 2024.

Mary Ziegler is an expert on the law, history, and politics of reproduction, health care, and conservatism in the United States from 1945 to the present. She is one of the world’s leading historians of the U.S. abortion debate.

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