Professor Joh Releases Three New Episodes of 'Con Law' Podcast

Professor Elizabeth Joh and co-host Roman Mars released three new episodes of their What Roman Mars Can Learn About Con Law podcast in the space of a month.

Episode 79, “Law-Free Zone,” explores the implications of the Supreme Court having created what Justice Sonia Sotomayor called a “law-free zone around the President.” Listen to the episode

Episode 80, “Farfetched Arguments,” looks at the arguments some on the right are advancing to challenge Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, plus a Florida judge’s decision to toss out the classified documents case against former President and current GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Listen to the episode

Episode 81, “Cruel and Unusual,” examines the Eighth Amendment and the legal definition of “cruel and unusual” punishment.” Listen to the episode

Professor Joh's scholarship focuses on criminal law and procedure, with a special emphasis on the police use of new technologies. She is the recipient of King Hall’s 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award. 

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