King Hall Hosts 6th Annual MLK Day of Service and Celebration

On Monday, Jan. 20, UC Davis School of Law hosted its sixth annual MLK Day of Service and Celebration, honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Members of the UC Davis Black Law Students Association, in partnership with the law school's Office for Student Affairs and the Dean's Office, led efforts to celebrate MLK Day.
King Hall community members collected donations for Umoja International Academy in East Sacramento, and volunteered with projects on-site at various service locations, including the academy and Fourth & Hope in Woodland. A blood drive was held at King Hall.

The noontime celebration on campus featured a powerful keynote address by Stacy Boulware Eurie ’95, Associate Justice of the Third District Court of Appeal. “As future officers of the court in whatever discipline of law that you select and selects you…think about service as a way to impact communities, one person at a time,” Boulware Eurie said.
FOX40 also covered snippets of the day's activities on local news.
View more photos of the event here.