Associate Dean Greenwood Receives Chancellor's Award for International Engagement

UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. May has honored Associate Dean Beth Greenwood with a Chancellor’s Award for International Engagement. The award recognizes faculty and staff members for outstanding global engagement in advancing the university’s teaching, research and service missions.

Associate dean for global legal education and a lecturer in law at King Hall, Greenwood transformed UC Davis into a prominent international hub for legal education. Her pioneering work with the UC Davis Threatened Scholars Committee has ensured academic freedom in the face of global challenges.

Greenwood created programs that have drawn thousands of lawyers, judges, government officials and academics from more than 50 countries to study at UC Davis. These legal professionals form an active global alumni network and often collaborate to solve complex legal issues that cross national borders and legal systems.

Greenwood established UC Davis Law’s summer international law programs including Orientation in USA Law, the International Commercial Law LL.M. program, Visiting Scholars, UC Davis Law exchange programs, international partnership programs, and specialized custom programs with international law schools, judiciaries and corporations.

Under Greenwood's direction, the law school’s California International Law Center hosted presentations by global advocates for human rights and democracy including former Chilean Presidents Michelle Bachelet and Ricardo Lagos.

A double Aggie, Greenwood received her undergraduate and J.D. degrees from UC Davis and has worked for the university for more than 40 years.  Her campus service encompasses the Threatened Scholars Committee, Global Strategic Planning Committee, Campus Global Strategy Advisory Committee, Global Centers: Latin America and the Caribbean, and other and other internationally focused campus and law school committees.

Read more about Greenwood’s remarkable UC Davis career in an award announcement story on the Global Affairs website.

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