Student Body Profile

Fall 2024 Entering Class*


Applications Received2,890
Offers of Admission965
LSAT 25th/75th percentiles159/165
LSAT Median163
GPA 25th/75th percentiles3.48/3.87
GPA Median3.68
No. of Undergraduate Institutions Represented86

Please note that numerical profile is only one component used in the evaluation of an individual applicant and that some applicants offered admission fall below the medians listed.

*Data is current as of 08/19/24.

2024-2025 Student Body Profile

Total J.D. Enrollment605
Students of Color**58%
Student: Faculty Ratio8:1


**per ABA definitions, all non-White categories, but not including Middle Eastern and North African students classified as White by the ABA.


At UC Davis School of Law, academic disqualifications are extremely rare. Of those students who do not continue their enrollments, most do so for personal and professional reasons.

Bar Passage

The UC Davis bar passage rate for first-time examinees on the July 2024 California Bar Examination was 87.4%. Full UC Davis bar passage data is available on the ABA law school reports website. The average pass rate for all ABA-approved law schools in California was 81% and more information is available on The State Bar of California website.