In the Media: Faculty Members on Prop. 8 and DOMA (Updated)
Photo: Reuters
The national, regional, and local media are turning to UC Davis law faculty for expert analysis and commentary on today's U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) same-sex marriage cases.
Here is a sampling of media citations. This list will be updated as more stories hit the web.
Dean Kevin R. Johnson
Southern California Public Radio
DOMA ruling a victory for bi-national couples, but legal questions remain
Associate Dean and Professor of Law Vikram Amar
Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA; Paves Way for California Gay Marriage (with video)
Justia’s Verdict
Analysis: If the Supreme Court Decides the Proposition 8 Sponsors Lack Standing, What Will Happen to Same-Sex Marriage in California? This April 26 essay is being cited by numerous news agencies and blogs today.
KQED Forum
Prop 8 Ruling Paves Way for Same-Sex Marriage in Calif.; DOMA Ruling Gives Gay Couples Federal Benefits (with audio)
The Sacramento Bee
Jerry Brown tells California counties to issue gay marriage licenses
The Los Angeles Times -- Update added June 27
Same Sex Weddings to Resume in California Soon, Officials Say,0,3679293.story
Capital Public Radio’s “Insight” -- Update added June 27
Prop. 8 and DOMA Follow-Up (with audio)
San Jose Mercury News -- Update added June 27
Proposition 8 Appears Doomed in California after Supreme Court Ruling
KTXL Fox40 News -- Update added June 27
Making Sense of What's Next after Ruling on Prop. 8 (with video)
The Guardian UK -- Update added June 27
U.S. Moves to End DOMA Discrimination after Gay Rights Breakthrough
The New York Times -- Update added June 28
Roberts Pulls the Supreme Court to the Right Step by Step
The Los Angeles Times -- Update added June 28
Prop. 8 Ruling Raises Fears about Effects on Other Initiatives,0,3117108.story
Professor of Law Courtney G. Joslin
Bloomberg News and Bloomberg Businessweek
Supreme Court Ruling Narrows Gay Couples’ Benefit Gap
Capital Public Radio’s “Insight”
SCOTUS Rulings on DOMA & Prop. 8 (with audio)
Equality Radio
Live Coverage: SCOTUS decisions on Prop 8 and DOMA (with audio)
KTXL Fox40 Morning News
Reaction to the Prop 8 Ruling (with video)
Orange County Register -- Update added June 27
Why DOMA Went Down
Orange County Register DOMA Reactions.pdf (622.87 kb)
St. Louis Post Dispatch -- Update added June 27
Many Applaud Gay Marriage Rulings, thought Direct Effect in Missouri and Illinois Will Be Limited