Aoki One L /Critical Perspectives Presents Con Law, Professor Tang

Event Date

King Hall, Room 1301


"What Role Should America's History of Bigotry Play in Constitutional Law?"

Are you interested in critical and social justice perspectives on your first-year classes? Would you like to get to know more about the scholarship of King Hall professors? The Critical Perspectives on First-Year Classes speaker series is for you!

The purpose of the “Critical Perspectives” talks, sponsored by the Aoki Center, is twofold. First, we seek to expose first-year students to critical perspectives that often do not make it onto the syllabus of regular first-year classes. Given the high level of interest among King Hall students in social justice, this exposure will connect many students to the concerns and perspectives that brought them to law school in the first place.

The second goal of the series is to connect King Hall students more closely with their faculty. King Hall has an extraordinarily accomplished faculty with expertise in areas of race, immigration, gender, and sexuality. Through these lunch talks, interested students can learn more about the cutting edge of legal scholarship in these fields and develop a better understanding of faculty research projects.

Everyone, especially first-year students, is invited to attend.

More information to follow. Please contact Nina Bell at with any questions. 

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