Villanova hosts Promoting Diversity at Law School Workshop


I traveled to Villanova Law School to talk on a panel at the Eighth Annual Promoting Diversity at Law School Workshop. It is a great conference where deans talk with women and minority law faculty members about the search process for a law dean – inside and out. I was on a panel discussing negotiating an offer and first steps as dean.

We had a great group of law deans in attendance, including organizers Annette Clark (Seattle) and Mark Alexander (Villanova) as well as Bobby Adieh (Texas A&M), Jennifer Rosato (DePaul), Laura Rosenbury (Florida), Ted Tiger (Penn), Ron Welch (Baltimore), Garry Jenkins (Minnesota), and many others. And, the prospective deans were incredible, enthusiastic, energetic, and well-qualified. It sure looks like we will have a great next group of law deans.