Schwartz/Levi Inn of Court meets
It was another great night at the Schwartz/Levi Inn of Court.
Professor Menesh Patel attended as a guest, and was able to hear a program on professional responsibility and law firms. Professors Alan Brownstein and Carlton Larson also attended. Plenty of UC Davis School of Law students were there as well.
Many of our alums are active in the inn. I was able to talk with Darcie Houck ’98 about her new job at the California Energy Commission. Lisa Taylor Carlock ’97 of our Career Services office was in attendance, always on the lookout for jobs for our students. Scott Judson ’12 was still glowing about the UC Davis Aggies’ football win over Cal Poly; he also raved about our huge turnout for the law school’s Taco Tailgate.
I talked with former editor-in-Chief Marissa O’Connor ’13, who has a new position at SMUD, about the great work of our law review, which held a wealth management symposium on Oct. 11.