The Schwartz/Levi Inn of Court at King Hall
This week, the Schwartz/Levi Inn of Court held its annual introductory meeting at UC Davis School of Law. The Inn brings law students, attorneys (including many UC Davis Law alums), and judges together on a monthly basis to network and discuss topical legal issues.
The President of the Inn, Judge Shama Mesiwala ‘98, welcomed the group in her inimitable folksy way to the Inn. The topic of the meeting was the U.S. Supreme Court, which has been in the news with its many controversial decisions.
I welcomed the Inn to King Hall and told the story of Chief Justice Earl Warren’s memorable speech at the dedication of the law school building named after Martin Luther King Jr. I recounted how the Warren Court acted to protect the rights of the most vulnerable in our society and how the current Court has acted in a very different way.
It was a great night at King Hall! A reception in the King Hall courtyard on a beautiful evening was a wonderful kickoff to the new Inn year.