The Schwartz/Levi Inn of Court


Professor Bhagwat talks about the First Amendment to the Inn of Court.

The Schwartz / Levi Inn of Court virtually brought together lawyers, judges, law professors, and students to discuss topical legal issues. UC Davis School of Law plays a big role in the Inn, with our professors and students important contributors. 

In a time of much social turmoil, protest, and mob violence at the Capitol, this program could not have been more timely. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in  New York Times Co. v. United States , this month's presentation, on "Pentagon Papers, National Security, and the Press," featured a discussion led by UC Davis Law Professor Ashutosh Bhagwat. 

The Court's decision permitted the  New York Times  and the  Washington Post  to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without fear of punishment or censorship. The case was considered a landmark ruling for press freedom. The Pentagon Papers case has salient implications for today's internet age -- where anyone can be a publisher -- and will undoubtedly be highly influential to Julian Assange's prosecution for the publication of classified materials on WikiLeaks.

Ash led a great discussion of issues surrounding national security and the First Amendment. The Inn members were extremely engaged and the discussion was exhilarating.

The night started off with a "sing-along" during a happy hour. The theme was hits from the 1970s, the high point of rock 'n' roll.


Marcus Wiggins leads a sing-along '70s style to kick off the meeting of the Inn of Court. Law student Louis Marrone also kept the hits coming.