Sacramento Alumni Lunch
I had a wonderful time with UC Davis School of Law alums at the annual lunch in Sacramento on December 11. About 40 alums met at the Mayahuel Restaurant, just blocks from the Capital in Sacramento. Those in attendance included Steve Boutin ' 72 , Windie Scott ' 77 , Amagda Perez '91, Laura Flores-Dixit ' 15 , Iris Yang ' 82 , Chris Hughes ' 07 , Kevin Davis ' 07 , Sara Granda ' 09 , Kim Lucia ' 09 , Toso Himel '75, Allen Johnson '77, Natalie Butcher '08 and many more.
I was able to share some news about recent developments at King Hall, including the great new Class of 2020, the amazing work of the law faculty, and the enduring community of King Hall students, faculty, staff, and alums.