Sacramento Alumni at the Elks Tower

Earlier in the month, I visited the southern part of California. On Wednesday, I had a delightful lunch with King Hall alums at the Elks Tower in Downtown Sacramento, not far from the State Capitol.  Alum Jeb Burton ’05, who is involved in the area’s hospitality scene, connected us with the beautiful event space. We had a great group of alums, including alumni board members Penny Westfall ‘84, Kim Lucia ‘09, and Amal Abu-Rahma ’97 and former board president Steve Boutin ‘72. I always enjoy the enthusiasm and warmth of our alums. It was a pleasure filling the group in on the great happenings at King Hall.

Before the lunch, I visited with Assemblymember Kevin McCarty about various legislative possibilities in immigration, higher education, and related areas. It was a great discussion and one of my former UC Davis undergraduate students, Asael Sala, sat in as a part of Assemblymember McCarty's staff.

It was a productive day in Sacramento!

Elks Tower

Elks Tower in Sacramento
(photo by  Taneli Mielikäinen available via CC BY-SA 2.0 license)