Photographs and Celebrations
It is a happy time of year at UC Davis School of Law. Finals are done. Students are preparing for Commencement and celebrations of graduation from a top law school.
On May 14, the eve of Commencement, the School of Law hosted a photo opportunity at King Hall, with participants fully dressed in academic regalia. With an upbeat mix of music playing in the background (thanks to event manager Onell Berrios), a good portion of our J.D. and LL.M. graduates had their pictures taken. Positive energy abounded as our community commenced a job well done. Professors and staff watched as our students enjoyed the photo op on a cool spring morning. I was pleased to take a picture – masked, of course — with many soon-to-be graduates.
During the lunch hour, immigration professors and students who earned our Immigration Law Certificate met virtually for a pleasant exchange and celebration of the students’ completion of a rigorous immigration program and completion of a paper on immigration law. Students and faculty shared their thoughts on student achievements and the students’ continued engagement with the King Hall community.
The day culminated with the Environmental Law Certificate graduation, where a healthy cohort of environmental law students were feted for their achievements.
This is best time of the school year!!!