King Hall hosts 14th Annual Intraschool Negotiations Competition
The 14th Annual Intraschool Negotiations Competition, hosted by the King Hall Negotiations Team, was held over the weekend. I had the honor of welcoming the participants to the competition, which gives students the chance to hone their negotiating skills.
This year’s winning teams are Myra Farooqi & Elizabeth Reinhardt and Noah Hallam & Karen Chen. Finalists included Mariam Sossouadouno & Ashley Osborne and Jiwon Kim & Kate McAdams. All are members of the Class of 2023.
Without the help of many volunteers, this competition would not be possible. It is truly an invaluable educational experience for our students.
The King Hall Negotiations Team is one of the largest and most energized student organizations at King Hall. The teams have been incredibly successful in competitions at the regional, national – even international – levels. Thanks to our students and to their faculty adviser, Professor Donna Shestowsky. We are lucky indeed to have Professor Shestowsky at UC Davis.