Small Farmer Water Justice Clinic

Member for

2 years 11 months

Clinic – 3 to 5 hours. Groundwater is an essential resource for California’s billion-dollar farm economy. Historically, groundwater has been largely unmanaged in many parts of the state, which has led to declining groundwater levels, land subsidence, and reduced groundwater quality. In 2014, the Legislature passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) to regulate groundwater use in California statewide for the first time through local groundwater agencies under state supervision. SGMA is a complicated, dynamic water rights regulatory law that is not easy to follow nor to comply with, especially for small farmers. Small farmers are essential to the nation’s food supply, including through their participation in farmers markets and producing organic food. This clinical class will help small farmers manage their groundwater resources under SGMA and protect their water rights so that they can continue to farm effectively. Among the clinical skills that will be developed, students will have the opportunity to work with and represent small farmers, educate the small farmer community about SGMA and legal developments, participate in local and state administrative proceedings relating to water, and advocate for small farmers in court and legislative hearings relating to SGMA.

Application required for enrollment.
Final Assessment: Paper
Graduation Requirements: Counts towards Professional Skills Requirement.
Grading Mode: Letter Grading

Advanced Writing
Professional Skills
Course Number



Unit 16