25th Reunion

SATURDAY, October 16, 2010
Families and children welcome!

To RSVP, Download a form, or RSVP online.

General Admission: $55 each
Children Ages 8-18: $20 each
Children 7 and under: Free

Check-in: UC Davis Conference Center
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM


11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Welcome address by Dean Kevin Johnson.

Class Group Photos

1:15 PM - 1:45 PM

Afternoon Activities: New King Hall Courtyard

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Spend the afternoon the WAY YOU LIKE IT! After lunch, alumni are free to reminisce and spend time with classmates, friends, and faculty, and learn about the exciting King Hall expansion and renovation during a student-tuided tour!

Refreshments will be provided throughout the afternoon.

Class Reunion Committee / Evening Event(s)

The Class of 1985's Reunion planning committee is up and running! Any member of the Class that would like to join is welcome. Current members include : Will Brieger, Kathryn Doi, Jani Iwamoto, Karen Johnson-McKewan, Hal Light,and Gene Woo. The committee will work on outreaching to classmates, planning an evening event and fundraising for a Class Gift. Your participation on any or all parts of the committee's work would be a great addition. Help us make this day a great success!

Reunion Class Gift

As you come back to celebrate your reunion at King Hall, we hope you will consider giving back through the Reunion Class Gift. The Reunion Class Gift is an opportunity to commemorate your time at King Hall, and help support future generations of students who face fees over $41,000 per year today.

The Reunion Committee for the class of 1985 asks for your support to raise $50,000 for the King Hall Expansion and Renovation Project to name the Dean’s Conference Room in honor of the Class of 1985. Any gift or pledge (up to 5 years for commitments of $1,000 or more) received before June 30, 2011 will count toward your Reunion Class Gift. If you choose to give to another naming opportunity or allocation, your gift will be counted towards the Reunion Class Gift but will not be counted towards the Reunion Class Gift goal. Gifts can be made online here.

Alumni Directory

Do we have your updated mailing address? Invitations will be mailed in June. To be sure we have your correct address, go to the alumni directory to check or update your information.

Help Us Find Your Classmates

Names listed below are classmates we would like to send updates to about the reunion, but currently do not have an e-mail address for. If you have their e-mail address, please send us their contact information or direct them to the alumni directory , so they can update it themselves. We do review the CA state bar website for updates, but are not able to do so regularly for all alums missing an email address, or for alumni out of the state or country or non-participating attorneys. Updates sent to the Law School are appreciated.

Mary N. Armstrong '85
Anne Babbott '85
L. Diane Bruton '85
David W. Cahen '85
Ruth L. Carver '85
Rene A. Chacon '85
David E. Chanover '85
Pretrice M. Curry '85
Vincent D. Duke '85
Cindi L. Fox '85
Patricia L. F. Freshman '85
Diana Gardner Rich '85
Margot A. Garey '85
Debra Garvey '85
Lori H. Gortner '85
Federico J. Guzman '85
Paul K. Hamano '85
W. David Heaton '85
Florence V. Hoffman '85
Caryn J. Hough '85
W. Yancey Huff, Jr. '85
Debra Hutton '85
Dodie D. Katague '85
Joan N. Kerr '85
Stephen D. Kinman '85
Addison H. S. Lau '85
Michael D. Laurence '85
Claire M. Leary '85
Yolanda I. Lopez '85
Mary C. Lundberg '85
Gregory D. Mangani '85
Cynthia J. Manzer '85
Robert J. Matsueda '85
Lori Ben McClave-Monfort '85
Thomas F. McCormick '85
Robert M. Olken '85
Jill Peterson '85
Frederick S. Raper '85
Michael W. Schnake '85
Nicholas Schouten, Jr. '85
Carol Jane Seidlitz '85
John T. Seyman '85
Fern L. Shepard '85
Yuene C. Shure '85
The Honorable Craig F. Stowers '85
Stephany A. Watson '85
Cheryl A. Williams '85
Stuart J. Zajic '85