Position Title
Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law
Lisa C. Ikemoto teaches bioethics, health care law, public health law, reproductive rights, law & policy, and marital property. Her research areas include reproductive rights and justice, health care disparities, and science, technology and law. More specifically, she focuses on the ways that race, gender, disability, and wealth mediate access to and impacts of biomedical technology use and health care. Her recent work addresses reprogenetic technology markets, the role of provider religious exemptions in health care inequality, eugenics, and reproductive tourism. Ikemoto has faculty affiliations with the Aoki Center for Race and Nation Studies, the Health System Bioethics Program, the Feminist Research Institute, and the Religious Studies Department.
- B.A. English (American Studies) and History, University of California, Los Angeles, 1984
- J.D. University of California, Davis School of Law, 1987
- LL.M. Columbia University, School of Law, 1989
- Board of Directors, Reproductive Health Technologies Project, 2007-present
- Executive Committee, University of California Asian American & Pacific Islander Policy MRP
- Associate, U.C. Davis Bioethics Program, U.C. Davis Health System
- Advisor, National Law Students for Reproductive Justice
- Faculty, Judge Robert Takasugi Pro Bono Bar Review
- Board of Trustees, Law School Admissions Council, 2003-2006. Minority Affairs Committee Liaison, 2003-04; Programs and Services Committee Liaison, 2004-2005; Minority Affairs Committee Liaison, 2005-2006.
- Vital Bridges Award, Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, 2006.
- Distinguished Alumni Award, UC Davis School of Law, 2002.
- Community Redress Award, National Coalition for Redress and Reparations, 2001.
- Women's Leadership Institute, Mills College, Visiting Scholar, 2000
- National Advisory Board, Merger Watch, 1999-2005
- Annual 20 Up-and-Coming Attorneys Under 40, California Law Business, 1998
- Lawyer, Railroad and Mineworker cases (arising from the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II), on behalf of Nikkei for Civil Rights and Reparations (formerly, the National Coalition for Redress and Reparations), 1997-1999.
- Lawyer, Song v. U.S., 1998-1999 (Japanese American Internment period case)
- Best New Professor Award, Indiana University School of law, 1989-1990
- Health Care
- Reproductive Technology
- Biotechnology
- Real Property Law
- Affiliated Faculty, Aoki Center for Critical Race & Nation Studies
- Affiliated Faculty, Center for Science & Innovation Studies
- Affiliated Faculty, Health System Bioethics Program
- Affiliated Faculty, Mellon Research Social Justice Initiative
- Affiliated Faculty, R.I.S.E.: Protecting the Fragile Intestine
- Executive Committee, UC Asian American & Pacific Islander Policy Multicampus Research Program
- Board of Directors, Guttmacher Institute
"Moore v. Regents of University of California," Feminist Judgements: Rewritten Health Law Opinions (Seema Mohapatra & Lindsay Wiley, eds.) Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)
Match, Mate, Trait, 24 GeneWatch 4 (June-July 2011)
Selling Race (Review: Fatal Invention, by Dorothy Roberts), Ms. Magazine, Summer 2011
Eggs, Nests, and Stem Cells, in Baby Markets: Money and the New Politics of Creating Families, (Michelle Bratcher Goodwin ed. Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Eggs as Capital: Human Egg Procurement in the Fertility Industry and the Stem Cell Research Enterprise, 34 Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 763 (2009).
Reproductive Tourism: Equality Concerns in the Global Market for Fertility Services, XXVII J. L & INEQUALITY 277 (2009).
Johnson v. Calvert: Technology, Family, and Commerce, in HEALTH LAW & BIOETHICS: CASES IN CONTEXT (Sandra H. Johnson et al. eds., Aspen Publishers 2009)
Relf v. Weinberger, in WOMEN AND THE LAW STORIES (Elizabeth Schnieder & Stephanie Wildman, eds., Thompson West, 2011).
Reproductive Technologies, entry in MacMillan Encyclopedia of Race and Racism (John H. Moore, Russell Adams, John Keith Akins, Karen Brodkin, Gregory Campbell, Kevin Cokley, Patricia Hill Collins, Alan Goodman, Antoinette T. Jackson, Leonard Lieberman, Kenneth Nunn and Denise Segura eds.) (2007).
Cultural Competency and Racial Disparities in Health Care, 48 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 75 (2003).
Redefining Reproductive Freedom to Build Coalition, 17 BERKELEY WOMEN'S L.J. 229 (2002).
Doctrine at the Gate: Religious Restrictions in Health Care, 4 J. GENDER SPECIFIC MED. 8 (2001).
Male Fraud, 3 J. GENDER, RACE and J. 511 (2000), reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, 2D ED. (Adrien Katherine Wing ed., New York University Press, 2003), Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima and Angela E. Oh eds., New York University Press, forthcoming); 22 U. CINN. IMMIG. and NAT'LITY L. REV. (forthcoming).
Lessons from the Titanic: Start with the People in Steerage, Women and Children First, in Mother Troubles: Rethinking Contemporary Maternal Dilemmas (Julia E. Hanigsberg and Sara Ruddick eds., Beacon Press 1999).
Forced Cesareans, 10 CURRENT OPINION IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 465 (Carole Archie ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Press Dec. 1998).
The Fuzzy Logic of Race and Gender in the Mismeasure of Asian American Women's Health Needs, 65 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 799 (1997), reprinted in Readings on Feminist Theory (Nancy Dowd and Michelle Jacobs eds., New York University Press, 2002).
The Jurisprudence of Yogi Berra, 46 EMORY LAW JOURNAL 697 (1997)(by 39 authors).
The Racialization of Genomic Knowledge, 27 SETON HALL LAW REVIEW 937 (1997).
In Sisterhood, 2 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF RACE and LAW 513 (1997)(reviewing Mari Matsuda, Where is Your Body? (1996)).
Foreword, Symposium: Using Law and Identity to Script Cultural Production, 17 LOYOLA ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 517 (1997).
Some Tips on How to Endanger the White Male Privilege in Law Teaching, 19 WESTERN NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW 79 (1997).
When a Hospital Becomes Catholic, 47 MERCER LAW REVIEW 1087 (1996).
The In/Fertile, the Too Fertile, and the Dysfertile, 47 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 1007 (1996), reprinted in Mary Joe Frug, Woman and the Law Casebook 2D ED. (Judi Greenberg, Martha Minow and Dorothy Roberts eds., Foundation Press, 1998).
Race Under Construction: The Master Narrative of White Supremacy in the Media Representation of African American/Korean American Conflict, in Feminism, Media and Law (Martha Fineman and Martha McCluskey eds. Oxford University Press 1997).
Destabilizing Thoughts on Surrogacy Legislation, 28 UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO LAW REVIEW 633 (1994).
Traces of the Master Narrative in the Story of African American-Korean American Conflict: How We Constructed 'Los Angeles', 66 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW 401 (1993), reprinted in Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (Richard Delgado ed., Temple University Press, 1995); Critical Race Theory Reader, Vol. III (E. Nathaniel Gates ed., Greenview Press, 1997); Critical Race Theory: Readings on Race and Law (Alex Johnson ed., West Publishing, 1998); Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge, Second Edition (Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic eds., Temple University Press, 2000); A Reader on Race, Civil Rights, and American Law: A Multiracial Approach (Timothy Davis, Kevin R. Johnson, and George A. Martinez eds. 2001); Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima and Angela E. Oh eds., New York University Press, forthcoming).
The Code of Perfect Pregnancy: At the Intersection of the Ideology of Motherhood, the Practice of Defaulting to Science, and the Interventionist Mindset of Law, 53 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL 1205 (1992), reprinted in Abortion and Reproductive Rights (J. Douglas Butler and David F. Walter eds. 1994); Critical Race Theory: The Cutting Edge (Richard Delgado ed., Temple University Press, 1995);
Furthering the Inquiry: Race, Class, and Culture in the Forced Medical Treatment of Pregnant Women, 59 TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW 487 (1992), reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader (Adrien Katherine Wing ed., New York University Press, 1997).
Review Essay, (reviewing Don Herzog, Happy Slaves: A Critique Of Consent Theory, 8 NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS 321 (1990).
Book Review, (reviewing Martha A. Field, Surrogate Motherhood: The Legal And Human Issues (1988)), 8 LEGAL STUDIES FORUM 321 (1989).
Providing Protection for Collaborative, Noncoital Reproduction: Surrogate Motherhood and Other New Procreative Technologies, and the Right of Intimate Association, 40 RUTGERS LAW REVIEW 1273 (1988).
In the Shadows: Women of Color in Health Disparities Policy Work, 39 U.C. DAVIS. L. REV. 1023 (2006).
Race to Health: Racialized Discourses in Transhuman World, 9 DEPAUL J. HEALTH CARE L. 1103 (2005).