A video broadcast of the full conference is available online. Use the information icon (i) in the bottom navigation menu to view the conference agenda and navigate to individual panels.
Presentations, articles, and papers by panel
Four Decades of CEQA: A Diverse Retrospective
- E. Clement Shute PowerPoint
- Kip Lipper PowerPoint
- The California Supreme Court’s Recent Flood of CEQA Decisions , Christian L Marsh
- Everyday Heroes Protect the Air We Breathe,the Water We Drink, and the Natural Areas We Prize , Planning and Conservation League Foundation
- Viewpoint: Handle CEQA with Care; it Safeguards States Environment , Joel Reynolds
- Presentation Notes, Hon. Ronald Robie
Comparing CEQA’s Evolution to NEPA, Other States’ Little NEPA Statutes & Foreign Environmental Impact Assessment Laws
- Daniel Selmi PowerPoint
- CEQA Approaches 30 Years of Age: Recent Decisions and Some Surprising New Directions , Daniel Selmi
- The Contract Transformation in Land Use Regulation, Daniel Selmi
- Themes in the Evolution of the State Environmental Policy Acts , Daniel Selmi
- Cleaning Up Development: EIA in Two of the World's Largest and Most Rapidly Developing Countries, Julie Lemmer
- NEPA Success Stories: Celebrating 40 Years of Transparency and Open Government, Environmental Law Institute
Applying CEQA in Challenging Times and Contexts
- Meea Kang PowerPoint
- Housing and Downtown, LA's First Supermarket in 50 Years , California Infill Builders Association
- Capitalizing On Infill Near the State Capitol, California Infill Builders Association
- Green Living for San Jose's Working Families, California Infill Builders Association
- Plan for the Future, How Local Governments Can Help Implement California’s New Land Use and Climate Change Legislation, Ethan Elkind
- Removing the Roadblocks, How to Make Sustainable Development Happen Now , Ethan Elkind
The Future of CEQA—Legislative, Local Government & Planning Perspectives
- California Governor Brown Signs CEQA Reform Bills , Richard Frank
- CEQA and Infill: A Good Year in California , Ethan Elkind
- A Dangerous Bill , Eric Biber
- A Dangerous Bill (continued) , Eric Biber
- CEQA “Reform” in California: 3-For-3, Richard Frank
- Major, Proposed CEQA Amendments Sent to California Governor Jerry Brown , Richard Frank
- AB 900
- SB 226
- SB 292
The Future of CEQA—A Conversation With Some of California’s Premier CEQA Attorneys
- Jim Moose PowerPoint
- CEQA Turns Forty: The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same, Lisabeth Rothman
- Reform of Environmental Law Needed for California to Move Forward , California Chamber of Commerce